The Desire of My Heart

The Desire of My Heart

In forms multitude my heart desires,
a house on a hill where no one conspires…
a  multihued rainbow to my waking eyes,
catching a falling star in fist at night…
Sunshine falling on my velvatine glow,
coming live on Opera Vinfray show…
Up in the air Marlin Munro skirt-pose,
wearing on lips scarlet over dose…
falling asleep without giving any answer,
On soft  pillow with my untangled hair…
desire to free the  caged  birds,
to shelter homeless children  in disgust…
Surfing on a high tide sea,
speedy motorboat, flowing hair and me…
Breathing deep on a high mountain peak,
amidst birds’ soothing sprightly tweet…
Desire to heal sick and ailing,
pacifying their pain and suffering…
On eagle’s wings desire to fly,
on barren soil seeds I lay…
A makeover of Earth’s sad plight,
from pollution to a pure delight…
In white skirt walking on the morning dew,
Chasing the  fragrances of violet and blue…
Oblivious to the worldly mess,
In  solitude of my own space…
Wearing my desires as my shining neckless
Holding on to my desire’s checklist…
Under Northern Lights standing in awe,
fulfilling them all none to withdraw!

Dr. Usha Kalley

In forms multitude my heart desires…

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